
To promote the principles of good governance and protection of human rights in an active citizenship society, via research & analyses and developing collaborative environments to learn.


We strive for a society in which educated youth and informed, participatory citizens will contribute to democratic development and awareness of responsible governance.

What is our organization’s superpower?

To find a topic of societal importance which no one before has researched and addressed and produce evidence based data to address important issues from democratic good governance aspect and human rights perspective.

Programs – Topics that we cover

The Privacy and Internet Program aims to develop tools for informing and educating citizens about the exercise of their rights in this area, as well as advocacy tools aimed at developing the awareness of legal entities for implementing the standards and legal provisions for the protection of personal data and privacy. At the same time, the program will also offer tools for developing capacities for the challenges of using the Internet.

Privacy and Internet Projects:

The Security Program of the Center for Internet, Development and Good Governance “IMPETUS” is engaged in the realization of methodologically designed research, analysis and studies on security issues and challenges of today’s contemporary living. Identifying and assessing the risks, threats and dangers of peace, security and stability of citizens, the state and the region are the focus of interest in this program.

The main goal of the program is to offer concrete proposals and solutions to security issues by looking at all aspects related to them. The subject of research in this program will be considered through the method of security analysis – assessment, diagnosis and forecast for the existing and future socio-political and security events. The program emphasizes the new security challenges arising from the Euro-Atlantic integration of the aspirant countries as well as the new hybrid threats that affect peace and stability around the world.

Security Projects:

To promote the active citizenship of young people in general and their European citizenship in particular.  – Develop solidarity and tolerance in order to strengthen social cohesion.  – Foster mutual understanding between young people from different countries. To help improve the quality of support systems for youth activities and strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations in the youth field.  – Promote European cooperation in the youth field.

The program shall be aimed towards promoting non-formal education and training of young people through intercultural training and activities, the encouragement of the youth exchanges and volunteering at the national, European and international level, development of consciousness of European citizenship through programs and projects designed for young people.

The Youth Development and Education Program will mainly work on identifying problems that young people face, assistance and support for development, as well as exchanging experiences with young people from other countries. Also, the topics of interest from the other programs will be part of the development of the capacities of the youth that will be part of the organization. IMPETUS plans to develop youth leaders who will bring change to society and will be echoed for all challenges.

Youth Empowerment Projects:

The Good Governance and Human Rights Program will conduct research and analyses to determine the degree of good governance and achieve standards for accountable and transparent operation of public institutions, both at central and local level. This program will assess the adherence to the rule of law as well as to the effective and efficient use of resources directed to the actual needs of all the segments of the society.

This program will also address the equal enjoyment of human rights and will work to identify and remedy cases and policies that lead to inequality and intolerance. The program will evaluate the work of criminal justice agencies and will engage independent institutions and civil society to address raising concerns over hate crime, hate speech and discrimination. The program will work closely with the other programs as intolerance is specifically targeting the youth via novel methods of communication, which also represents a threat to security.

Lastly, the program will be directed towards education and implementation of mechanisms for protection of human rights in general.

Good Governance and Human Rights Projects:

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