This research aims to present an overview of the legislative framework and the current challenges in the Western Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia) in the area of surveillance and interception of communications.

It also goes further into documenting foreign surveillance aid in the 6 WB countries by seeking information on foreign programs and donations to law enforcement agencies, through procurement, capacity building and/or maintenance of communications monitoring.

Surveillance comes in many forms and is performed via several methods. One of those methods is to use surveillance of electronic communications, or more specifically telephone communications’ content. There is a lawful interception of communications (LIC), which is the legally authorized access to private communications, such as telephone calls or online communications and e-mail messages. Through the LIC, a network operator or service provider gives law enforcement officials access to the communications of private individuals or organizations.

The research was done in 2021 by IMPETUS, in collaboration and partnership with BIRN Serbia and SHARE Foundation, supported by Privacy International UK.


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