In view of recent cases of ICT-facilitated trafficking in children, which were detected and investigated in North Macedonia, the EU and Council of Europe joint action “Strengthening anti-trafficking action in North Macedonia” recognised the need to shed light on the misuse of the ICT by traffickers for recruitment of victims, including children, as well as on proactive use of new technologies to prevent and combat human trafficking. In this framework, the action supported the drafting of the “Guide on ICT and human trafficking in North Macedonia”, carried out by IMPETUS.

It is conducted by applying a specific methodology, and incorporating the findings from a diverse group of experts from institutions, academia, IT community and NGOs to adjust the GRETA Guide on ICT and Trafficking of Human Beings. Practical recommendations will be disseminated and it shall be used for training planned under the action, targeting law enforcement, prosecution, courts, lawyers and NGOs. The project is supported by the Council of Europe. 

The Guide on ICT and human trafficking in North Macedonia will help local actors in the process of detection and identification of victims recruited and exploited on-line, and contribute towards better prevention of human trafficking.

The Guide is developed as part of the EU and Council of Europe joint programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye”, phase III.

Read More:

The Guide: Trade in human beings and information-communication technologies: its application by law enforcement and abuse by human traffickers