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Cybersecurity month Campaign Link
IMPETUS took part in the short WB regional campaign on cyber security during October 2023. The campaign is a joint initiative…

Free Webinar: Blocking content on the Internet
Invitation for the online workshop “Blocking Content on the Internet” 28 September 2023, 20:30h, ZOOM Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/86046071498 Meeting ID: 860…

Follow the Money: Tracking Illicit Financial Flows and Countering of Sanctions’ Evasion Schemes
IMPETUS at Western Balkan Summer School, Belgrade (29-30.05.2023). Delving into illicit financial flows, anti-money laundering, & post-war alliances.

Expanding the SMARTLABOR Network for Agri-Food Innovation
The SMARTLABOR project, aimed at strengthening alliances for policy development and testing in the fields of innovation, digitalization, and labor market…

Impetus participates on the 11-th session of WG-4 for Justice, Freedom and Security (Chapter 24)
Strengthened cooperation, coordination, and inclusiveness of all stakeholders is needed for cybersecurity. It’s a cultural change, not just an IT issue.

Webinar: AI & Machine Learning, challenges and benefits
On 14 June 2023, IMPETUS organized a specialized webinar on AI & Machine Learning, challenges and benefits, with Dr. Adam Zagorecki,…